Friday, March 15, 2013

Peace corps acronyms, volunteer visit assignment and Santo Domingo

Saludos! I have come to learn that the peace corps loooooves acronyms. An entire training session could not be understood without knowing what these are and as consequence, if you read my blog regularly, you're going to want to know too. These are the important ones that pertain to my service and some pertinent dates.
PST: pre service training- what I am doing now.
PCT: peace corps trainee- what I am now until swear in on May 15.
PCV: peace corps volunteer- what I will be after May 15.
CED: community economic development- my program/sector that I will be working in for the next 27 months.
PCVL: peace corps volunteer leader- usually a volunteer who extends their service to lead a program for incoming volunteers. My PCVLs name is Sasha.
CBT: community based training- my CBT will be April 1- May 3 with the rest of the CED trainees in a town called Peralvillo. Obviously more on this to come, but the main industry we will be working with there is cacao.

On Thursday March 21, everyone will leave Santo Domingo for the weekend to go visit a real life volunteer and see what it's all about. Each of us will visit a different volunteer in a different site for 4 days. I, by fate, will be visiting Erin (who's blog I have been reading religiously since I got my invitation and who I have been in communication with) and her husband Tyler. They live in Pedernales, which is on the southern coast very close to the Haitian border. The trip will take me a total of 7 1/2 hours each way by guagua (that's a bus) but I'm confident it will be well worth it and I'm beyond excited to visit them!
Also by chance, I was able to meet both of them at the peace corps office yesterday in Santo Domingo.

Below are some photos of our trip to Santo Domingo- including the guagua ride, the colonial zone and some of the city itself.
Also a pic of me making dominican empanadas and Kate's birthday which was Wednesday. Her for real party is tomorrow.

Besitos!! Kaley

1 comment:

  1. Hi! We already LOVE your blog! Congrats on all you have accomplished so far. For Dennis, PC was the experience of a lifetime, and the amazing friends he made are a huge part of his- and our- life many years later! Good luck and thanks for sharing your wonderful adventure as you go! Xxoo, Jaime, Dennis and Naia-papaya
