Hi there. As my first blog post, I feel like we should get a few things straight before I start.
The blog is mainly to confirm my existence to my family and friends, as it's way easier to put one post here rather than emailing everyone.
I will probably be able to update fairly often in the first three weeks of my training in Santo Domingo. After that I have no idea what my internet accessibility will be like, so posts may be spotty. I promise to include as many pics as possible because let's be real, everyone would much rather see photos than listen to me ramble AND you'll have infinitely better understanding of my PC service.
I will assume most of you reading this know me, and if that's true than you know that sometimes (read: a lot of the time) I have a potty mouth. I can't guarantee you that these posts will always be G-rated. I can however assure you that there will be some frustration accompanied by sarcasm expressed here and I invite you to accept my apology in advance for my language. Also I'd like to pedirte mil disculpas for my shitty spelling, Spanish has been really hard on my English and that's probably only going to get worse.
With all that said, I really hope you enjoy reading my ups, downs and lessons learned from what I hear will be the toughest job I'll ever love.
T-minus 16 days and counting!